Thursday, August 23, 2012

"6 Reasons Why Sales Reps Love Salesforce"

These are the top 6 reasons why Salesforce believe sales professionals should use their software. They make good points and it will be interesting to watch how the industry picks up some of the recent product changes.

1. Better visibility into customer information
– Reps can see alltheir accounts, contacts, opportunities, tasks, and events in asingle place. It means convenience, always being organized, and a 360-degree view of the customer. It means no more paper folders, Excel spreadsheets, or stickynotes—it’s all in Salesforce CRM.2.

2. Easy account planning
– Reps can do their own account planning. Because reps can see theircustomers’ history, they can develop an account strategy and an action plan, complete with to-dotasks. Reps can also create reminders of follow-up activities on specific dates. Finally, they cansee the amount of time committed to each account and the outcome of their efforts.3.

3. Better time management
– Reps can better prioritize their days and manage their activities. Theycan see their calendars and upcoming tasks on their home pages. And by checking theOpportunities view in Salesforce CRM, they can focus on and prioritize current opportunities.4.

4. Reports
– Reps can run their own reports, including the following:

  • Accounts they haven’t visited in a while
  • Opportunities in the pipeline, including won opportunities and lost opportunities
  • Products they’ve sold
  • Activities and tasks they’ve completed.

5. Dashboards
– Reps can create their own dashboards to see how they’re doing

at a glance. Withdashboards, they can see the information that’s critical to them, in various graph formats. They canalso designate red, yellow, and green thresholds to show progress toward their goals.6.

6. Trending analyses
– Reps can see selling trends and use this information to generate more sales.With trending analysis, it’s possible to calculate the win/loss ratio on opportunities, see monthlytrends with opportunities in the pipeline, see the types of activities the rep does most, and see thenumber of closed deals versus quot

While these are the typical selling points for the last generation of CRM software, the push of such documents shows the heating up of the market. In the marketing of its soon to be held Dreamforce conference, Salesforce is particularly witty, prewriting templates for employees to submit to their managers asking to be allowed to attend the conference.

Salesforce calls the approach "Justify your trip".